Monday 1 December 2014

How To Download The YOUTUBE videos without any Software

Method 1: Download Youtube Videos through an intermediary Website
Visit the homepage of YouTube, choose Video to download
To download this video, simply replace the”www.” by ”ss” before the URL of that video.
For example, the original URL is
After changing the URL
Click Enter to see the result. Here, you will find lots of links, those download link correspond to each available video format, click on any link that you want to download.
Method 2: Using the online downloader
To download Youtube video without any supporting software on your computer, simply enter the ”Kiss” in front of youtube domain name and press Enter.
For example with the original URL above, after adding”kiss”in the front, at this URL will become.
A Web page will automatically appear, click Download by URL to download Video which you want to download.
Click Run - >Download
Conclusion: These are two ways to help you download video without using download supporting software.

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Nothing important

First Post on the blog . just trying something different..